Welcome to Greenaways Service and M.O.T Centre
Radiator Repair & Service
The purpose of your radiator is to keep coolant flowing throughout your engine. If there is a blockage or a leak, your engine can quickly overheat and your vehicle will break down.
Coolant leaks are caused by cracked or ill-fitting hoses or a hole in the radiator itself. Radiator metal is thin and easily damaged, but the number one cause of coolant leaks is corrosion. We recommend having your coolant system professionally inspected every two years.
A flush and fill is a critical part of routine maintenance. Coolant is very caustic. Left in the radiator for too long, it will begin to corrode the metal, and could cause a potentially disastrous leak. If we detect any coolant leaks we can repair them or replace the damaged part.
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Greenaways Service & MOT Centre Ltd
Newport Square, Launceston
PL15 8DF
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